Friday, September 19, 2008

Leonardo da VINO

My 2nd week of school went by quickly and smoothly. A great way to start the weekend I went to a winery/olive oil farm with my professor Lorenzo, from my fresco painting class and a few other studentessi. OF course, I woke up late and scrambled to get to school on time at  7 am, luckily they hadn't left yet... We drove to the town of Vinci, where Leonardo da Vinci was born, about 40 minutes from Firenze.  
So once we arrived we were welcomed in by a sweet Italian family and the owner, a vivacious well-worn older gentleman. We were served breakfast with wine, a little early to drink wine, eh? Nah...if your Italian it's a great way to  start the day at 9am. It's better to work with some wine in your system before you start the day. That way your happier to do your job. i.e drunk. But, I could get used to that. It seems to be that every Friday is Rain day. So due to the piove, rain, it restricted some of the events of the day, but we went out to the vineyards picked some grapes and ate some grapes. I didn't realize all the variations there were in size, taste and flavor.          
 Amused by a black kitten for quite some time. Cute little guy. Had the best 3-hour lunch yet in Italy. Stuffed to the brim, with delicious Tuscan food, freshly made vino rosso, and great company, accompanied by the accordion at the end of the meal. Eventually the rain lifted, but already arrived back in Florence. Luckily, I came back with two bottles of wine. Not too shabby. 

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