Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My new digs

I've returned to Florence for one more year. It's funny being back because it feels as if I never left, things still seem to be the same and the tourists are still in abundance.

It was a hectic time leaving Seattle, because on my last day in Seattle I was in a car accident going North on Hwy 99. It had just slightly rained, so the roads were slick, I was in the far left hand lane, minding my own business when I noticed a van cross over 3 lanes of traffic and head directly towards me. I wasn't able to stop in time, so the van hit my car and placed my up on the concrete divider and I was stuck. It was really terrifying and I know have these recurring dreams of being hit by a car, a haunting experience.

I am so lucky that I wasn't seriously injured in anyway or worse, I went to the ER and spent a good 5 hours there. This incident interfered with my last day plans, but I'm alright, just a few minor scrapes and bruises. Thank God. But on a good note, I'm doing well and it feels good to be back in Florence, and some new and exciting things happening are school started this week which I have great expectations for. I'm now living in a new apartment with two new roommates, who I know from last year. Check out a few pics of the new place

my room

the wonderful bathroom
the study area....
the kithcen
my front door

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Italian hospitality....

I'm baking in an oven.

Florence is situated in a valley and the warm, or should I re-phrase........the hot, humid weather has begun. It's like any other city on a hot day, baking against the cement, heat-waves rising, clothes sticking to your body...damp........fun stuff!!!!

Went to the top of the Duomo, the cupola (the dome) today. A 463 step hike up, leads you outside the dome at the very top to have a 360 degree view of all of Florence from the city center. Best to rise early and be the first tourists to go in, otherwise the groups emerge, flocking to the Duomo to get inside, up and around. Chaos. 

Since school has ended, it's back to enjoying the tourist life in Italy. A great form of Italian hospitality that I have learned is that of customer service. Today was perfect. I went into a clothing store to look at a swimsuit that I had passed by the day before. Maybe I wanted it......or maybe i didn't, I just wanted to check it out. So, I walk into the store, no "Hello or Welcome" -niente. A typical greeting I've found.

After browsing around for a few minutes, I find the suit, pick it up and than the salesperson emerges. Proceeds to say "oh no, e piccola" (no, it's too small) takes it away from my hands, as if I were a child about to eat food I dropped in the dirt and hangs it back up. Not good enough to enter the store or even touch the merchandise. Another instance was when I was kicked out of a restaurant, when I had a half a glass of wine left when my family came to visit, due to a reservation. Cultural difference, I understand. Sometimes it just gets to you. Few more days left of the kindness of Italian business. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cinque Terre

School has ended. My summer has begun. Moved out of my apartment and said my "goodbyes" to those who have gone back to their homes. Then I left for a few days to Liguria, to Cinque Terre. A perfect vacation full of sun, relaxation, excellent food, and beautiful towns. The 5 different towns are: Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso that are all lined up along the Ligurian Coast and accessible to one another by foot, train or boat.

I stayed in the perfect place in Riomaggiore in a room situated right on the beach. One would literally walk out the front door and the water was right in front of your face. Who could of asked for anything better. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks was so peaceful and relaxing. A great change from the bustleing traffic and sound of horns in Florence. The air was so fresh my lungs were very happy.

The water was so green and clear it was if the boats were floating on a transparent surface. I took a boat one day from my town Riomaggiore to Monterosso, the largest of the five, it was so much fun to be by the ocean again. I forgot how much I missed large bodiesof water. Another day, I hiked through all five of the towns. Left early in the morning with sun behind us, and explored them all and at the end of the hike relaxed on the beach, went swimming and took in some sun. That day we encoutered little blue sail jellyfish, being washed ashore. They freaked me out. So I wimped out and didn't want to go into the water, in fear of being stung by these little buggers.

I have to say Cinque Terre may be my favorite place in all of Italy. It was a perfect end to getting out of school and enjoying the beauty of life.

(Left: Riomaggiore-the town I stayed in Right: Manarola-a 20 min walk away from Riomaggiore)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Il Terme

This weekend, I went to the town of Vitterbo in Lazio. Known for it's hot springs, "il terme" or "aqua calda" (hot water). An interesting weekend indeed, first missing our transfer stop to get off the train and ended up in Rome. Then catching the right train and arriving in Vitterbo later in the evening, and getting sprayed with water 3 times by an SUV of young 15 year old Italian boys who were offended by us, just because no one wanted to talk to them. Really mature. Then finding superheroes for the night who found the hot springs for us. Amazing. So nice, in the middle of a field, smelling like rotten eggs, but warm, and relaxing. 

To add on to the weekend, I bought dried figs, which had cobwebs inside, a tasty surprise. Buying a delicious looking pear and finding that it was rotten from the inside out. Fruit had a vendetta against me. 

I had an awesome surprise today by receiving a grandiose package from my lovelies, Taryn and Lucy. Thank you, thank you. I put together the monkey. He's missing his feet because I got lazy, but in due time Monkey will be able to climb a tree. Thanks for the delicious treats and love. Miss you!!!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bonjour Paris

I returned back from Delhi, diving into mid-term week, and then spring break began. The city of lights holds a soft spot for me and of course I was dying to go back. Paris was relaxing, beautiful, and just what I needed. Selena, my roomie, and I rented an apartment in the Marais, 3rd arrondisment, and enjoyed the city.

It's funny how much it felt like my city. Ironic that I was return a few weeks later, after on our way to India we missed our connecting flight from Paris-Delhi, since there was only one flight a day to Delhi.  Air France put us up in a hotel that night, so we had a free day in Paris. Then I'm back again...

It was so much fun to go to the Louvre, although it was horribly crowded, and I felt as if I was merging in and out of traffic on a crowded freeway, the best part was seeing artists set up their easels and painting. Curious to how they were able to do that, in Florence, it would never be allowed. This one guy was painting a Ruben's on a huge canvas, takes skill and impressive maneuvering to exit the Louvre with that. 

I was able to go back to my favorite vintage store in Paris. It's funny how vintage in Italy, I've found is old designer vintage, which is very, very expensive. Which makes my love for vintage, not so much since I can't afford any of it. But in Paris, Free p' Star, has cheap, cute, clothes which are a steal. Great vin rouge, les baguettes, les fromages, tout c'etait tres bien! 

a protest against pope benedict and his view on abortions. Go Frenchies!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A few days back from Delhi and Midterms

What an amazing trip! India is something I never would have imagined but beautiful and sad at the same time. We (my professor, and some other students from my restoration class) stayed at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Delhi, the largest Catholic Church in the city. We were working on a Last Supper painting which had the actual faces of past Priests, represented as Jesus' disciples. 

We were in the "old folks" home for the fathers. So ate 3 meals a day at a certain time 8am, 12pm and 7pm, breakfast, lunch and dinner. The food was good, but since we were hanging out with the elderly a certain diet had to be given so no salt of too much spice. On the other hand had some awesome Indian food. Worked 6 hours a day, sometimes less, and had some chances to get out and see the city. Journeyed to Agra and saw the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and this beautiful temple in Delhi, called Akshradham. 

Saw elephants, monkeys, beautiful women in colorful saris! Met some nice people from the church made friends with one of the father's and his wife and daughter. They took us shopping and to get henna done. Arrived back in Florence with some bad virus, not so fun but finished mid-terms and spring break has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pictures soon to come. 

Friday, February 27, 2009

1 Day..............

One more day until I embark on my trip to New Delhi, India!!!!! For those who I haven't told, I have been given an opportunity of a lifetime with the Restoration program at school, LDM, Lorenzo de Medici. My Professor Lorenzo Casamenti, is taking 7 students to Delhi to restore original frescoes (wall paintings) in a Catholic Church. 

I'll be there for 2 weeks, and return back to Florence on the 16th of March. We'll be staying in the church with the nuns. It'll be like the Sound of Music, minus the mountains, musical numbers, and war......but nonetheless maybe there's a Sister Maria.......The main purpose of the trip is to finish the cleaning and restoration of the frescoes. Hopefully if all goes well and we finish up early, we'll have a few days to explore the city! Once I get back, I'll have plenty of stories to tell and pictures to show. Ciao!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The boot of Italy

So this last weekend I went with my professor, Lorenzo Casamenti, to the southern tip of Italy in the region of Calabria. We went to the town of Nocara, situated high up in the mountains, literally at the peak looking down upon a huge valley. Worked on restoring La Chiesa di Madre, from the 15th C. I gilded for the first time, laying gold leaf over wooden moldings and figures to look like full golden figures, but they're not really, just a touch of gold. It was an amazing experience and the town was beautiful. Went to the seaside and collected rocks, ate plenty of oranges, and saw where all the lemons come from in Italy. Pictures soon to come.

My apartment is freezing in Florence, because the heat doesn't work. Now I have a cold, and so does my roommate Selena. About to head to the Mercato San Ambrogio to go buy my fruits and vegetables, hope all is well! Ciao!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Back in Florence

So....it's been a long, long time since my last post. Returned back home to Seattle, for the holidays and had an amazing time seeing family and friends. After a long day of traveling arrived safely back in Florence. It seems to be more of a culture shock the second time around. Moved into my new apartment with my roomie, Selena. Just wanted to say, I'm back, and I will try my best and hardest to keep up to date on my posts and blog. Boy scouts honor. School starts again on Monday, trying to get over my jet lag and get back into the swing of things. Promise.